Sunday, March 11, 2007

Teaching little bro the "ropes"

I decided to climb in Beau's crib and show him how everything works. In my mind the crib still belongs to me, even though I have a regular bed now. There was a lot to go over: The aquarium, the mobile, the railing. I was telling him that some day he will try to climb out and will most likely hit the ground pretty hard when he falls. Don't despair little bro! It's all part of growing up!

If you're gonna play in Texas, you gotta have a fiddle in the band, (advice for Addison)


1 comment:

gina said...

Brady, you and Annie should meet someday. i think you two have a lot in common and together you could totally screw up your younger siblings. Beau and Jasper would totally hit it off, too, i just know it. tell your mama thank you for the well-wishes as we venture down to texas and tell your daddy to stop messin' with texas. hope to see you guys very soon!