Saturday, February 24, 2007

Giddy up!


Hey everyone... I wanted to take this opportunity to make my first post on here. Brady ok'd my use of his blog and I promise to be brief. Yesterday was a big day for us. Pat was formally accepted as a recruit agent with the Lakewood Police Department! The hiring process was very tough and took about 6 months all together. He starts the police academy on March 12th. We are very proud of him- especially Brady.

Things are crazy around here as usual. Beau is growing so fast. He isn't our little peanut anymore. On a side note, he burps like an adult, which is very fun when in public and people assume I am the guilty party.

Braden is 2 1/2 now and sometimes acts every bit like a 2 year old... most of the time he is a good, sweet boy that seems like he is much older than he really is. Kind of sad, he is such a little man!!!

Hope all is well,


1 comment:

Momma Banks said...

We are very proud of our son, "the public servant". Congrats Pat!!!