Thursday, February 1, 2007

Nana Foy arrives today!

Nana is coming in from New Mexico today! I haven't seen her in quite a while so I am pretty excited. I hope she likes football. Mom is picking her up at the airport today and she will be at my house when I get home from Becky's. Just for the record: Dad was against me using the airplane picture that I choose to put on here, something about how the Concorde doesn't fly anymore and that even if it did- it wouldn't go from Albuquerque to Denver. Well, ok Dad. Thanks for the fantastic "advice" but you can put whatever you want on YOUR blog, but this one is mine. When was the last time you updated your blog anyways?



1 comment:

Momma Banks said...

Brady please say Hello to Nana Foy for us. I hope she brought some warm clothes and her boots.