Friday, February 2, 2007

Movie review: OPEN SEASON

Welcome to a brand new feature on Brady's blog: a movie review!

I watched the animated masterpiece "Open Season". This film is the story of a domesticated grizzly bear named Boog (voiced by Martin Lawrence- I guess Eddie Murphy was too expensive?) and a fast talking mule deer named Elliot (voiced by Ashton Kutcher- he is always available) Boog and Elliot work together to unite the creatures of the forrest against an evil hunter. This movie is fast paced, fun, and best of all has a good life lesson: humans are bad and animals are good.

I liked the movie but I was torn a little because I also like to eat animals almost every day- especially the animals that Dad cooks on the BBQ that can be dipped in various sauces! Yummmmmm.....

OPEN SEASON: 4 sippy cups/out of a possible of 5

Shout out to Nana for bringing the movie for me!

Cinematically yours,


1 comment:

Momma Banks said...

That is some pretty cool hair Brado!!